I got this poem from Puisi-poesy (a blog where the contributing authors post poems and discuss about them)

Long Marriage
You're worried, so you wake her
& you talk into the dark:
Do you think I have cancer, you
say, or Were there worms
in that meat, or Do you think
our son is OK, and it's
wonderful, really--almost
ceremonial as you feel
the vessel of your worry pass
miraculously from you to her--
Gee, the rain sounds so beautiful,
you say--I'm going back to sleep
Poem by Gerald Fleming
from Swimmer Climbing onto Shore,
Sixteen Rivers Press, San Francisco, 2005
How beautiful!!
When you have loved somebody long enough, you can just pass your worries to him/her,
and although you don't get any answer, the worries just ease away...

Long Marriage
You're worried, so you wake her
& you talk into the dark:
Do you think I have cancer, you
say, or Were there worms
in that meat, or Do you think
our son is OK, and it's
wonderful, really--almost
ceremonial as you feel
the vessel of your worry pass
miraculously from you to her--
Gee, the rain sounds so beautiful,
you say--I'm going back to sleep
Poem by Gerald Fleming
from Swimmer Climbing onto Shore,
Sixteen Rivers Press, San Francisco, 2005
How beautiful!!
When you have loved somebody long enough, you can just pass your worries to him/her,
and although you don't get any answer, the worries just ease away...
hi doc!
inspiring blog as well!
i link yours, ok?
p/s: dah lama dok UK? :)
sweet photo, sweet poetry.. (though I kinda wonder why it's called 'long marriage')..
bas, sweetnya poetry tu...
thanks, dah setahun setengah dah
jgn pening2kan kepala kau heheheh, but i think it's probably because the poem is about a stage where you can only reach after long period of marriage (cuba kau kejut laki kau tgh2 malam sekarang, mau tak kena sound?)
sweet n simple
i have kejutkan laki aku tgh2 mlm :)
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