This is our third hero, Baby Abid. Born 13 May 2009 12.08 pm weighing 3.05kg.

Papa with Baby Abid..

Mama with 3 heroes

Papa with 3 heroes

Ammar poking Baby Abid

Baby Abid's arrival really tested us. He decided to come much earlier (my due date was supposed to be 5th june). His things were only half ready, his grandma has not arrived, I was not mentally prepared (for the labour) and we have not decided where to send the boys if I go into labour early. Luckily, we had Fawwaz, Shaheeda and Aliya, who were there to help us. Our most heartful thanks goes to them- we can never repay you, only Allah can.
And lastly,thanks for all your prayers!

Papa with Baby Abid..

Mama with 3 heroes

Papa with 3 heroes

Ammar poking Baby Abid

Baby Abid's arrival really tested us. He decided to come much earlier (my due date was supposed to be 5th june). His things were only half ready, his grandma has not arrived, I was not mentally prepared (for the labour) and we have not decided where to send the boys if I go into labour early. Luckily, we had Fawwaz, Shaheeda and Aliya, who were there to help us. Our most heartful thanks goes to them- we can never repay you, only Allah can.
And lastly,thanks for all your prayers!
alhamdulillah.. congrats to you and family. welcome to this beautiful world, baby abid! (dekatnya birthday ngan anak kell, boleh jd best fren ni)
Tahniah dari kami. Semoga di murahkan rezeki. Sama birthday dgn Abg Naso la.
Kak Zarina & Abg Naso (UTeM)
Durham, UK
Alhamdulillah...Congrats!!! As mynie once said, sama lah kita.... boleh buat team sepak takraw (ni pun mynie pernah cakap masa i got the 3rd boy).... ;)
Tahniah! Seronoknya dah bertambah ahli keluarga. dah habis pantang nanti boleh la jln2 ncl.
WEH MAMAWA....LEBAT giler rmbut en abid tuh...anak2 buah kite kt cni botak2 ajer....congrats..!! wanma cane?? maklong keep on saying 'mak kau balik...(sekian2 tarikh)??' xpenah ade fixed date, every time different dates...hehe layn je lah...
congrate bas..hero lagi!..hehe..
dia biler tak prepare baru nak keluar.. dan org tua2 cakap elok tak berprepare until baby dah keluar... comelnyaa diaaa!
bas, congrates! comel and muka dia cam ammar masa kecik. apsal muka ammar cam confuse je.... terkejut ke dia... hehe
encem ler husaini nihh.
wei karim, kak chacha ada rambut le.
Congrats... 3 boys in da house!!! mesti havoc :)
Kiut nye tengok baby Adib... Merah2 lagi.. The tops were so cooooooooolllll.. 'My mummy rocks' huh?
Selamat berpantang.. Kami dtg visit nnt ye...
congrates ye!
3 weeks early? wow!
anyway abid mmg comel..mcm abang2nyer..anyway tahniah dr hasmawati...
p/s i dah uplaod gambar baby abid at my blog..feel free to visit n dun mind if want to upload it...
thanks everybody!
mynie, ramai geng abid ni, baby asi, kell baru keluar n baby juju is anytime now
Wanma melayan adam dah berapa kali tersasul 'clever girl!'
ammar memang asyik meragam je, kesian dia
kitorang tak prepare memang saja cari nahas, kalau kat malaysia takpe gak
bas & tambo!! congrats!! hehe comel jek the two abangs! insya Allah aku naik atas nun later2 this year k? =) take care tau!
suria,saari n ayuni.
bas, congrats again!lovely pix of you and the family..and abid is such a hunk! rambut soo lebat, and i love the outfit, haha! pandai mama die pilih his debut.
mynie- baby kitorang dah bonding mase dlm perut, haha! bas came over for a visit on new yrs day.
take care!
hunk?! hahaha seb baik anak kau lelaki kell...
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