This is going to be a very busy month (and i chose to make a new azam this month? tsk tsk). I have a program that I personally designed with a close friend (who is a dietitian) to tackle one of the most embarassing problem (at least to both of us) of our hospital- 30% of our staffs are obese! This is a pilot project but I do hope that it is going to be beneficial and the template of the program can be applied elsewhere.
On top of that I would be attending 2 big seminars that I am considering as a milestone to myself. One is on real estate investment (no relation with my job whatsoever) and another is for a certificate to become an investigator for clinical trials. Our hospital is not a clinical research center yet but I am determined to make it become one. I do feel being involved in clinical trials is an important ibadah, though I don't know whether I'll like it or not.
I hope everything goes well.
"The sweetness in life is in striving"
-Imam Shafiee
(my mantra everytime i feels tired)
Childhood friend
Fazrideen, me, Fara, sis (circa 1985-86) |
Sis, Fara, me, Karim (2/9/2012) |
far tu fara fauzana ye hasma....????
YE betul lah rumah kecik takpe tapi kene pandai buat ID.
i look ugly in both photos.
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