Saturday, 8 September 2012

As promised

hehe... waaahhh cepatnyer meng-update! Saja je, takut the intention die off..

This is going to be a very busy month (and i chose to make a new azam this month? tsk tsk). I have a program that I personally designed with a close friend (who is a dietitian) to tackle one of the most embarassing problem (at least to both of us) of our hospital- 30% of our staffs are obese! This is a pilot project but I do hope that it is going to be beneficial and the template of the program can be applied elsewhere.

On top of that I would be attending 2 big seminars that I am considering as a milestone to myself. One is on real estate investment (no relation with my job whatsoever) and another is for a certificate to become an investigator for clinical trials. Our hospital is not a clinical research center yet but I am determined to make it become one. I do feel being involved in clinical trials is an important ibadah, though I don't know whether I'll like it or not.

I hope everything goes well.

"The sweetness in life is in striving"
-Imam Shafiee
(my mantra everytime i feels tired)

Childhood friend

Fazrideen, me, Fara, sis (circa 1985-86)
Sis, Fara, me, Karim (2/9/2012)
We visited her parents for hari raya (our moms were officemates) and exchanged latest news. Of course our lives are not as "happening" as compared to hers. She is as bubbly as you would see her on tv. I was very impressed with her mom's house and kept on saying " Auntie, rumah auntie cantiklah" hahaha. It is just an intermediate double storey terrace house but the interior has been well laid out that it looked spacious and functional and they even have a private Balinese style garden (I imagined myself having early morning coffee with a nice book there). Hmmm now I think I don't need a big house at all. It just have to be nice and comfy. And everything (from superstore to library) has to be within walking distance. That would be my first requirement. Just like our apartment in Manchester.


Unknown said...

far tu fara fauzana ye hasma....????

Mamaboyz said...


Anonymous said...

YE betul lah rumah kecik takpe tapi kene pandai buat ID.

i look ugly in both photos.