Next we visit Heights of Abraham. It is a hill with cable car facilities, a beautiful mining cave, a viewing tower and a fossil factory.
Here from Matlock Bath we walked on the Lover's Walk to the cable car station (terror tak Mak Buyung?)

The entrance to the mining cavern

The Fossil Factory

Victoria Prospect Tower

aaaahhh...beautiful spring...
Here from Matlock Bath we walked on the Lover's Walk to the cable car station (terror tak Mak Buyung?)
The entrance to the mining cavern
The Fossil Factory
Victoria Prospect Tower

aaaahhh...beautiful spring...
thanks for sharing your photos! bolehlah aku yang tak pernah gi ni tengok.. and try to imagine being there hehe ;p jauh berjalan luas pandangan... insyaAllah :)
eh dokto...Derby nih sbenanye belah mane...kite ngan mama carik dlm map xde pn...tokpa siap bukak google earth lagi...ntah jumpe ntah tak la tokpa tu...weh bsrnye pewot awk....ammar tau tak kt dlm perot tu ade manusia yg akan merampas takhta dier??? (mane awk tau tmpat tu xmcm Swiss ek...awk penah g Swiss ke??)
dont worry, lepas budak nih keluar kitorang akan jalan2 lagi!
kalau kau pegi tgk flickr husband aku ada lagi banyak cities (glasgow, oxford, birmingham, halifax, sheffield, leeds and manchester itself)
eh besarkan perut kita kali ni..tu yg kita penat je..masa dlm gua tu kena panjat tangga banyak naseb tak terberanak dlm apasal derby ni takde dlm map pulak, map apa awak pakai ni? woii kita kan pernah pegi swiss 6 hari -2006
bas, tambo ada tripod tak? kalu ada, bule la ko amik gambar satu keluarga. lagi pun amik gambar bertiga je orang kata tak baik tau..(taboo!!!) hehe
eh mana ada amik gambar ber3, tu kan ada lg sorang tu hehehe, tu yg ramai pak pacak kat blkg tu..
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