The next fundamental step is reading. At first I thought I want to combine this entry with the other 2 fundamental skills (writing and independence) but I decided that reading skills deserves its own entry.
I quote the author "the ability to read will increase the rate at which your child can acquire new information.."
There are many good points, so to make things easier, I 'm going to write in point form (also easier for me to refer).
1. Your child must be make familiar with books, so that they don't view books as alien, and this should start from when he is a baby. Suggestions: read out to him a lot, put him in the environment where other people is reading, let him turn the pages of the book (just get your infant to familiarize himself with books).
2. As he gets bigger, get him to read cereal boxes, signposts, maps, toy boxes etc.
3. Early acquisition of this skill, will turn it into a habit. Reading will become instinctive to him.
4. To help form this habit, set good example by showing that you love to read as well (everything begins at home). You can read while your child is playing, watching tv or reading himself (don't feel guilty ok). You can also bring him to the library and let him borrow books that he choose, and he can see for himself that other people reads too.
5. Make books easily accessible to him (not locked in cabinets or high shelves).
6. Let your child read fictions too so that this also becomes an entertainment to him, as well as developing creative imagination.
7. Reading stories regularly will help him improve his vocabulary and help him focus.
8. Encourage your child to view books as his first port of call whenever he wants any information eg football, computers, cartoons that he likes, animals etc.
9. Get books on whatever topics that interest him (this is when the library becomes handy because you have a lot of choices).
There are 3 strong reasons why you need to get your child to read (early..if possible) :
1. You can foster independence into him as he occupies himself with books, and this will give you more time for yourself!
2. If your child reads for pleasure, boredom will become less of a problem to him (you know the endless list of kids/teenagers do when they are bored)
3. Books are cheap entertainment!
Putting knowledge into practice...
So, (regretting that we started late with Adam), I am determined to get Ammar to read as soon as he can...
Among the tools I'm using..
Magnetic alphabets (brilliant!-memang Ammar suka)

Alphabet interactive toys... (Thomas tu fav dia)

Simple picture books...

Magnetic sketcher (dah hampir rosak sebab diusung ke sana kemari)..

Books in low open shelves..(sebenarnya belum cukup budget nak beli pintu Billy Bookcase Ikea ni...)...senang je budak2 nih nak punggah bila nak baca...satu hari 10 kali kena kemas..

Alphabetic fridge magnets (sebab Ammar suka menyebok kat dapur, so belikan dia ni- sambil kita masak dia susun2 huruf)

Walaupun cakap pun tak betul lagi (W=liu, Q=kuu, S dan X pulak tak dapat dibezakan)...tapi Ammar dah pass A-Z..
Adam pun excited adik dia dah tau ABC "mama, mama give Amai stickers bcoz he is a clever boyy!!"
Penganugerahan sticker oleh Adam kepada Ammar...

Dua budak dgn sticker masing2....

I quote the author "the ability to read will increase the rate at which your child can acquire new information.."
There are many good points, so to make things easier, I 'm going to write in point form (also easier for me to refer).
1. Your child must be make familiar with books, so that they don't view books as alien, and this should start from when he is a baby. Suggestions: read out to him a lot, put him in the environment where other people is reading, let him turn the pages of the book (just get your infant to familiarize himself with books).
2. As he gets bigger, get him to read cereal boxes, signposts, maps, toy boxes etc.
3. Early acquisition of this skill, will turn it into a habit. Reading will become instinctive to him.
4. To help form this habit, set good example by showing that you love to read as well (everything begins at home). You can read while your child is playing, watching tv or reading himself (don't feel guilty ok). You can also bring him to the library and let him borrow books that he choose, and he can see for himself that other people reads too.
5. Make books easily accessible to him (not locked in cabinets or high shelves).
6. Let your child read fictions too so that this also becomes an entertainment to him, as well as developing creative imagination.
7. Reading stories regularly will help him improve his vocabulary and help him focus.
8. Encourage your child to view books as his first port of call whenever he wants any information eg football, computers, cartoons that he likes, animals etc.
9. Get books on whatever topics that interest him (this is when the library becomes handy because you have a lot of choices).
There are 3 strong reasons why you need to get your child to read (early..if possible) :
1. You can foster independence into him as he occupies himself with books, and this will give you more time for yourself!
2. If your child reads for pleasure, boredom will become less of a problem to him (you know the endless list of kids/teenagers do when they are bored)
3. Books are cheap entertainment!
Putting knowledge into practice...
So, (regretting that we started late with Adam), I am determined to get Ammar to read as soon as he can...
Among the tools I'm using..
Magnetic alphabets (brilliant!-memang Ammar suka)
Alphabet interactive toys... (Thomas tu fav dia)
Simple picture books...
Magnetic sketcher (dah hampir rosak sebab diusung ke sana kemari)..
Books in low open shelves..(sebenarnya belum cukup budget nak beli pintu Billy Bookcase Ikea ni...)...senang je budak2 nih nak punggah bila nak baca...satu hari 10 kali kena kemas..
Alphabetic fridge magnets (sebab Ammar suka menyebok kat dapur, so belikan dia ni- sambil kita masak dia susun2 huruf)
Walaupun cakap pun tak betul lagi (W=liu, Q=kuu, S dan X pulak tak dapat dibezakan)...tapi Ammar dah pass A-Z..
Adam pun excited adik dia dah tau ABC "mama, mama give Amai stickers bcoz he is a clever boyy!!"
Penganugerahan sticker oleh Adam kepada Ammar...
Dua budak dgn sticker masing2....
clever boy amai!
*clap clap from kak chacha and ainaa*.
eyy...muka dia sebijik awak le masa kecik. yg muka bangga dpt sticker tuh.
yg no 8 tu, kalau tanya daddy, mesti dia kata nak information google je.
cayala bas.... aku pun baru beli kabinet buku baru... hehehe...
Let your child read fictions <----tiba2 rasa terpukul kejap. hahaha! eh, i do read fictions okay. ecehwah :D
aduhai - kemas sungguh bookshelf tu. mmg patut pn dikemas 10x!
oh, kt m'sia takde mega sketcher. yg ada cuma magnetic board yg ada corak2 kat atas tu. tak 'clear' mcm mega sketcher.
adam bp tahun? ammar bp tahun?
So, (regretting that we started late with Adam), <----lambat tu lambat yg macam mana?
mestilah kemas nak amik gambar hahaha
itu bukan megasketcher, itu magnetic sketcher biasa, beli murah je, mula2 clear tapi ni dah lama2 dia pun makin tak clear...magnetic sketcher tu mahal lagi, nampak yg kat rizza punya blog tu memang terserlah kualiti dia
adam 4 thn 2 bln, ammar 1 thn 11 bln
adam tuu...dulu saya kerja pastu ada maid jadi dia terbiar je (lagipun tak terpikir nak duduk dan 'coach' dia betul2)..lagu ABC tu ajar pastu ada la poster dgn buku sikit2...pastu biar dia tgk tv je sebab kepenatan dan mungkin saya pun tak banyak exposure cara2 nak homeschool dia..
dia dapat ABC tak ingatla maybe umur 2 tahun lebih (dia dapat hafal logo2 channel astro dulu daripada ABC- alamak sedihnya, betul kan tini?)
pastu dia dulu langsung taknak baca buku, dia lagi suka main blocks, train tracks, laptop..
memang haram dia nak duduk kita bacakan dia buku cerita..
bila dia start sekolah sini ada kitorang bg tau cikgu dia yg dia tak suka baca buku...pastu sekolah dia ada program yg budak boleh pinjam bawak balik buku library sekolah ke rumah, so bila dia dapat pilih sendiri buku dia dari library sekolah dia lebih 'excited' nak baca buku tu..mula dari tu dia pun nampak lebih berminat nak baca buku, lagi satu bila dia dapat eja beberapa perkataan (yang diajar oleh laptop interaktif) baru dia lebih minat nak buka buku...
maknanya dia kenal perkataan dulu baru dia terasa nak baca buku, mungkin itulah yg dimaksudkan buku tu 'alien' utk dia..
yg ammar pulak dia lebih suka selak buku atau menconteng magnetic sketcher dia (memang dia usung bilik ke bilik), mungkin sbb 'early exposure'..dan dia sgt suka main puzzle (walaupun dia cuma duduk2 atas puzzle tu belek2 tiap2 keping)..kadang2 bolehla dia jumpa dan sambung 2-3 keping..dan senang je dia nak duduk 'concentrate' kalau kita baca buku kat dia..
kalau m-i-o dapat beli megasketcher tu online belilah, sebab memang bergunala.. i must say..superior than paper or drawing books..senang ikut mood budak..mula2 dia nak tulis abc atau 123 pastu tiba2 dia teringat nak lukis2 pulak padam je terus, takyah takut dia conteng dinding (dulu adam tiap kali nak menulis kena supervise takut dia conteng dinding)..tak payah kemas kertas atau asah pensel..dalam kereta pun boleh bawak kalau dia nak conteng..
btul tu bas, adam tu memang hafal smua logo astro. hehe, rasa kelakar pulak terkenang si adam.
hai... suka tgk entry nih... saya ada koleksi buku anak yang sulong... dari sehari ke sehari saya nak tempel dalam blog mereka.. tapi tiada kesempatan...
terjumpa blog rentetan dari kisah bro mazidul...
doktor doktor jangan merajuk...
kadang saya faham... ada doktor yang nak further study..
kadang saya tak faham kenapa ada sebahagian jururawat over dari doktor!!!
berlagak.. doktor ok jer... dia (jururawat/attendant) lak lelebih...
hi bas..
seronok baca blog ko..paling best part parenting nih. Sometime aku rasa regret sebab terlalu malas nak spend betul2 masa dengan anak. Bercita-cita tinggi, nak anak pandai baca cepat, semangat pun tinggi tapi tinggal nak practice je lagi. Bilalah aku dapat discipline kan diri..??Aku teringin jugak nk order online buku genius in 28 steps ni tapi sampai hari ni tak beli2. Aku ada beli jugak buku glenn doman..dia ajar macam mana nak ajar budak membaca dengan cepat, tapi aku hangat2 tahi ayam je..bila dah lama, jadi malas..kesian pulak kat anak aku nih. Anak2 ko dah umur brape sekarang? dah brape lama kat UK? Buat master apa?
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