Wednesday 26 May 2010

Overcoming fears...

Yesterday he went for the fourth cycle of chemotherapy. It was obvious that he was not scared anymore. A huge difference from the first cycle. Big credits have to be given to the lymphoma team of St James Hospital.

He has come a long way from when it began. With a tube sticking out from his right kidney, he can still say to others "Do life, life is mega, even when it hurts".

Overcoming fears is a big step in life. Not everybody is privileged to acquire this the hard way, and not everybody can embrace it with intact dignity. Certainly what does not kill you will only make you stronger.

Coincidentally, yesterday his course-mates sat for their last paper in their finals for a Master's degree in structural engineering. A path he had to leave behind. Today according to plan he should be looking forward to return home with a Master in hand, but we can only plan and hope. Allah remains the Ultimate Planner. When He deviates us servants into another path we never thought we would venture into, we can only cling to Him, thanking Him for everything we have, trusting Him that this is what we need.

For now, we will enjoy the gifts of today and leave the rest to Him.

If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life,
your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars
- Rabindranath Tagore.

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