Saturday 29 January 2011

Cairo's protest

Seeing the latest images from Cairo as thousands flooded the streets today brought memories of the places and people of Egypt. They have been under the regime too long. When we were driving down the busy streets of Cairo, we were shown the massive high-walled compound of Hosni Mubarak's palace, with barbed wires on top, and armed sentries at regular intervals on top of the wall. The first thing that came to my mind was that it looked like a fortress. I don't have a picture of it as around the area there were signposts saying 'No photography'.

The silent fortress alone said a lot.Or just one word. Oppression.

The scenarios we saw at various mosques, really showed that the people were stricken by poverty. We didn't go to Zamalek, the rich people area on the island in the middle of Nile River. The air must be different.

The protesters in Cairo today. Pic taken here
A police checkpoint on the way to Sinai. I sneaked this shot while he was not looking. Police checkpoints are a common sight in Egypt.

The government blocked mobile phone lines, facebook and twitter yesterday to stop people spreading messages for gatherings. But the people managed to spread fire by word of mouth. Today their internet connection is cut down. MasyaAllah.

Ya Allah, bless the people of Egypt. Give them a king that fears You. Give them Your Strength to free themselves and their neighbor Palestine.  And protect our family, brothers and sisters. Indeed You are our Mighty Protector. Ameen.


knv said...

allah maha besar!

Rizza said...

Bersyukur la kita ni rakyat malaysia.. walaupun pelbagai usaha utk memecahbelahkan org islam dan memporakperandakan negara kita ni...insya'allah dilindungi Allah selagi kita berpegang pada Nya....dan bersatu hati

anon suria said...

harap semuanya selamat. amin.

Rizza said...

dr wati masih di sana ke?
semoga selamat semua nye...

Mamaboyz said...

kak rizza, kitorang ada kat manchester, pergi masa cuti krismas hari tu