Wednesday 5 January 2011

A regret...

"All humans are dead except those who have knowledge. And all those who have knowledge are asleep, except those who do good deeds. And those who do good deeds are deceived, except those who are sincere. And those who are sincere are always in a state of worry." -Imam Ash-Shaafi'ee


I came to your place of rest with little knowledge of you.
I stared and sighed, with a heart full of regrets of not knowing you as much as I should.
I followed you blindly.
I heard of your greatness and love of knowledge but I never made the commitment to be like you.
Under the glow of the green light, I could not feel you.
There I sent you Al Fatihah, and made a promise that when I stand in front of our Prophet's,
I would not have the same regret.

Al Fatihah. May Allah reward you with all the honors in Jannah.

Masjid Imam Shafiee, Kaherah
Makam Imam Shafiee
Makam Imam Shafiee
Dear readers, please recommend me a book of his biography or his works that I can benefit from. Thank you.


afidalina said...

bas, x silap dulu penah tau, kitab al-umm antara mutiaranya yang berharga. have u read the four imams BTW?

Wan Sharif said...

tergenang mata ayoh wang membaca "made a promise that when I stand in front of our Prophet's,
I would not have the same regret."
Semoga kita semua di Rahmati Allah dengan kekuatan, ketekunan, kesabaran dan ketaqwaan dalam mencari RedhaNya..

SMM said...

pak latip (abd latip talib) ada tulis byk buku pasal tokoh2 islam, antaranya the four imams. published by pts. i haven't read any of the four imams (my guess is diorg akan buat kompilasi similar to the one empat khalifah, so tgh tunggu that one keluar. ini tekaan semata2, takde inside information) but his other books on tokoh islam that i've read (muhammad al-fateh, salahudin ayubi) i really like. very readable.. you can buy buku2 pts at

Mamaboyz said...

op, the last time i read about any of the imams was masa nak spm, aku tgk al-umm kat amazon just ada yg arabic punya, yes, aku rasa aku nak cari lah al-umm instead of just baca about him yang orang lain tulis

Ayoh Wang-memang satu perasaan yang terkilan berdiri di situ tapi saya tak boleh membayangkan siapakah orangnya dan bagaimanakah hidupnya dan apakah pesanan-pesanannya... :(

mynie- haaa thanks, i think i will start with buku pak latip, i read an excerpt of muhamad al fateh and i thought i really like it too..

knv said...

saya pun terkesan dengan entry ni.

Anonymous said...

Baru beli buku Imam-Imam Yang Benar dr pak latip (pts). Sgt2 terkesan dgn kisah2nya. Terasa jauh sungguh perbezaan iman antara ulama terdahulu dgn kita :(