Monday 16 March 2009

Rumah Anak Nelayan

This is the house of Nik Nur Madihah, Kelantan's best student who obtained 20As in SPM 2008 (Utusan Online 14/03/2009, Hafiz Johari).

Initially I did not want to post this photo on my blog, but then I thought I need to save it for the future to show it to my sons. Against all odds you can still become successful. (contoh bebelan: ni tengok budak ni punya umah macam mana, pun boleh dapat 20A, awak semua cukup, rumah cantik, makan kenyang, buku bertimbun.....)

How difficult is this anak nelayan's life? aaahhh.....the house says it all...


4 Kay-E said...

It's a good idea to save this pix & show to our youngsters.

I like to read your ramblings. LOL... Something good to share :)

*lama tak jumpa physically - asyik virtually je...

Anonymous said...

1st of all, mcm mana dia boleh terpikir nak amik 20 subject. Amazing betul.

Just wondering, ada tak agaknya budak yg berani amik 20 subject tapi dia tak dpt satu A pun?

Mamaboyz said...

tu lah kak ita, in the future nak membebel mesti evidence-based, tak tau nanti perangai budak2 10 tahun lagi camne, tu yang kumpul tools tu..

tak pelah jumpa di alam maya je pun asalkan jumpa! (kot jumpa physically kot terperanjat pulak sebab body sekarang bagai dipam2)

rasa budak sekolah agama memang amik banyak subjek, zaman kita dulu 12 thn lepas (ya Allah lama dah) pun diorang dah ambik belas2 subjek

Unknown said...

eh dokto...sbenanye bebelan tu mcm awk tujukan pd seseorg la...sape ek???? kite mcm tau ajer....

Mamaboyz said...

hahaha...sesapa je la

ffh said...

hi.I am Farah Farhana ,Kolej MARA Banting student taking IB foundation for medical studies under MARA.Insya Allah I will end my foundation next year and will be going abroad.

nice post from you anyway,as a doctor.Frankly,I am a bit lost here, don't know what to do in the future as I have nobody in my family who's a doctor.The weird one.Keep up the good work~your blog is a good reference!

p/s erm~i don't really agree on your post regarding the 20 As student.People should judge on quality not quality.Can she speak in English?Does she has the confidence?lagipun~kalau banyak org As macam dia,sponsors byk amik yg berbelas a je.budak sbp diketepikan.sbp students tak boleh amik dr 10 subjek during my time.just my opinion.