Monday 23 August 2010

Eating for your health

I have been following a Malaysian cardiologist's blog who religiously write about current updates in cardiology. I have to admit that I like him (?her, I don't know) because he really believes that lifestyle changes (dietary, stress management and exercises) are the most important thing in preventing (and reversing) heart disease (and he frequently give updates on researches in this area).

He recently wrote about stable and unstable plaque in the arteries of the heart. When the blood supply to the heart is blocked, the blockage can be stable or unstable. A stable blockage (plaque) reduce blood supply to your heart, so you have heart disease, but you can live with it. An unstable one is the one that can suddenly rupture, so the body respond to it by trying to heal it the rupture, but this will cause blood clot in the vessel. So that particular area your heart will suddenly be totally deprived of blood supply- and this is what we call a 'heart attack', which are described by people who were lucky enough to survive it, as severe crushing chest pain, with the feeling of impending doom.

He wrote that recently some researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Manhattan have found a way to detect which plaque is unstable, although they only have done it in mice (which means a good 10 years away from the technique to be passed to be used in humans). They used multi-coloured CT scan. (what a scary thing to know that you have an unstable plaque! almost like a death sentence)

Now come the purpose of me writing this entry.

The popular belief is that when you have high cholesterol you can block your heart. This is true but the blockage/plaque has to be inflamed for it to be vulnerable to give you a heart attack. (for readers who does not understand what inflamed means, you can imagine it similar to 'ínjured'). So this multi-coloured CT detects the cells or agents involved in the process of inflammation (the macrophages). And the 'coloured macrophages' will show on the images of the heart, the denser the colour the more macrophages, meaning the more inflammation and therefore the more vulnerable the plaque.

I actually want to write about the inflammation thing. When I was reading about the role of 'nutraceuticals' (medicinal properties in foods) in cancer, I came across the theory that inflammation is the key process that LEADS to diseases (not the RESULT of diseases). Inflammation gives you an unstable plaque in your heart. It also makes your supposedly benign growth spread (therefore becomes cancerous). And it is the underlying process in various types of arthritis and Alzheimer's. There are many evidence to this but I won't go into them now. So scientists now believe that if we control the inflammation in our body, we can live longer and avoid major diseases.

Interestingly, there are foods that have anti-inflammatory properties. This is proven by lab studies and also the measurement of inflammatory markers in people who consume more of these types of foods. Similarly, there are foods that are pro-inflammatory. Hence the advice is to eat more anti-inflammatory foods and avoid the pro- ones. InsyaAllah your body can heal itself and stay healthy till your expiry date. How comforting! :) This gives you a sense of control in your health.

I will be concise and just list the foods here. You can get into search engines of journals to really know what the food molecules do at cellular level if you need more evidence to strengthen your belief. (You need to belief first before you can do lifestyle changes because it does take great effort to refrain yourself from the foods).

Anti-inflammatory Foods (the ones that you should consume more)

1. Green Tea- contains EGCG, most powerful nutritional molecule against inflammation, which is present in all tea leaves but destroyed during fermentation of black tea-our usual tea-to get this EGCG you have to drink unfermented tea ie green tea.

2. Turmeric -the magic ingredient only present in Asian cuisine- might explain why India has low incidence of cancer compared to the West despite the people having worse exposure to environmental carcinogens.

3. Berries (blueberry, strawberry, raspberry)-contains ellagic acid, which does not only counter inflammation but also detoxify cells (about detoxifying cells I will write in another entry, another important step to protect yourself from diseases).

4. Walnuts, pecans and hazelnuts-also contain ellagic acid like the berries (and these nuts also have high omega-3 levels which is important for immune function, another topic that I will deal with later, insyaAllah)

5. Parsley and celery- contains apigenine, also a strong anti-inflammatory. Don't hesitate to dump this whole bunch in your soups.

6. Ginger roots-other than anti-inflammatory, it is also an anti-oxidant and has been one of the oldest medicine on earth (not just in Malay tradition, but also in Ayurvedic and ancient Chinese).

(there are probably many more tropical veges or fruits that are anti-inflammatory but has not been discovered yet).

Pro-inflammatory Foods (should avoid or limit consumption)

1. Red meats (beef, mutton etc)-especially if the livestocks were fed grains, not grass. And especially cured or processed ones eg sausages and burgers (aarrghh..I know)

2. Sugar- not only it causes you diabetes (that's another whole different story, although somewhat related), the sugar itself is pro-inflammatory (ie let's say sugar does not cause diabetes, the sugar itself is a poison). Please note that there are other names for 'sugar' used by manufacturers- maltose, corn syrup, golden syrup, dextrose, fructose. Try not to take sugar in your drinks, or just drink plain water, because unless you are a cake / biscuits maker, you would not realize how much hidden sugar there are in our daily food.

3. Oil -choose your oil wisely, all oils are pro-inflammatory but some have lower inflammatory effects eg olive oil, linseed, flaxseed or rapeseed oil. Olive oil even have extra benefits, that is it contains polyphenols for your immune system. I think this oil subject is very important because almost everything we cook contains oil, and as sugar, there are many 'hidden oil' eg in cakes, breads, biscuits.

4. Trans Fats (or partially hydrogenated oil / vegetable shortening)- this is the reason we should be careful with processed industrialized foods (ie non-fresh foods). A lot of them contains trans fats, a type of oil that has been transformed to make foods have longer shelf life, and better 'mouth-feel'. It is also cheaper, so it is used by many manufacturers. Denmark and Switzerland have totally banned trans fats from their industry, and recently in January 2010 so did California. Here is a very good website to load you with all trans fats information (they even sued Kraft for putting trans fats in Oreo). It is comforting to know that Tesco has removed all trans fats from their own brand products.

5. Excessive alcohol- no explanation needed. All medical practitioners know this.

6. Artificial food additives eg MSG and artificial sweeteners (aspartame)- beware of 'hidden' MSG and aspartame too eg in ready made sauces, diet cola etc.

There are others. I have listed those above because they are very highly consumed and probably most damaging.

Now, come to think of it, the traditional practice of 'pantang larang' (forbidden foods) by our good ancestors have some basis after all. Post natal mothers for example, have to avoid oil, red meats, ice, also ciku, pineapple and coconut juice (some strict ones say must avoid pineapples for one whole year and worse I've heard is to avoid coconut juice for the whole reproductive years). These foods are probably pro-inflammatory, especially to the female reproductive organs. Although we think that a balanced diet is best but at certain times in our life there are foods that we must avoid altogether. This is to help our body fight the disease and heal itself. Also thanks to the wisdom and creativity of our ancestors incorporating medicinal spices into our daily foods.

And what about 'pantang' by Allah swt ie pork, alcohol, unslaughtered animals, blood, food obtained from unlawful income etc? Surely Allah, the Creator of  every creases in our bodies, the Owner of All Knowledge knows best.


SMM said...

i've always thought someone should do a research on our local food culture - all those panas, sejuk berangin, nanti sakit urat, pantang etc..

including: fruits kan bagus in general, tapi kenapa local fruits selalu macam ada 'limit' eg durian panas(lemak/kolestrol?), nangka sakit urat, rambutan duku sejuk ntahlah, nenas tajam.. ntahlah mcm2. sometimes it crossed my mind too, agaknya Allah created the local food to be the best food for the locals (in terms of health)? in terms of climate, demograohy etc. i wonder if there has been any study on that.

and of course, thanks a lot for these info. amat bermanfaat! i like the philosophy of lifestyle (inc dietary) changes towards healthier life, tapi mcm selalu kurang disiplin huhu..

and btw, aku suka air kelapa. waaa :( bukan air kelapa ada healing properties jugak ke? selalu dengar kalau demam, elok minum air kelapa? or do you mean santan by coconut juice?

Mamaboyz said...


aku maksudkan air kelapa, masa aku berpantang lepas bersalin adam n ammar, aku diberitahu air kelapa tu pantang masa confinement je, tapi mak bidan yg urut aku lepas abid lahir, dia ni melayu brunei, menurut nenek dia yg merupakan bidan jugak, air kelapa tu boleh minum masa pregnant je, tapi in between pregnancies tak boleh, sampailah kau dah taknak anak lagi...wallahualam

haáh kalau demam campak orang minum air kelapa

if we imagine from the time of Prophet Adam (as) till now, man is faced with varieties of plants, and over thousands of years we came to know what is safe and what is not by trial and error maybe (or by watching the animal kingdom), similarly in our local culture, what the old folks say i believe has been through the test of time, and they came to know it by observations, words of mouth, or accumulations of 'case reports'

so for local fruits or veges, probably best to follow our tradition, because the western scientists surely don't know any better than our ancestors

hari tu aku makan kiwi, and immediately aku rasa mulut gatal (macam makan nanas), so aku terfikir, although western scientists say that kiwi has the most amount of vit c per grams and is superior to oranges, probably there are some pantang larang in eating kiwi that only the New Zealanders know

aku rasa banyak jugak upm and usm buat studies in our local fruits and herbs, don't know if they hold any conference in this, i would be interested :) nanti aku tanya zack lah

Mamaboyz said...

oops lupa, about the healing properties of air kelapa, it may be good for fever but not good for female reproductive system (or maybe not good for the breastfeeding babies? or maybe affect the hormones?), in modern medicine pun ada ubat yang macam tu, eg some antibiotics, elok makan masa demam tapi it cannot be given to a certain groups of people

mummy said...

kita mkn kiwi tak gatal mulut pun

Mamaboyz said...

eloklah, bolehla awak makan banyak2

Mama said...

air kelapa jugak penawar kalau termakan racun

anon suria said...

hasma: betul tu...minum air kelapa masa pregnant..nanti kepala anak bersih. so amalkan. alhamdulillah..mmg bersih.( atau petua dari belah mertua su..)

berries tu sangat bagus.. to those kat Malaysia yang mungkin sukar dapat sumber berries..bolehlah beli Berrygent from tupperware. Su dah rasa..sedap. Berries mmg function untuk detox.

just to add...trans fatty acids yg paling bnyk digunakan oleh rakyat msia ialah margerin. lg lg nak raya ni..bnyk kuih guna magerin. beware! Butter is better than margerin.

Lee said...

Hello Drwati, Chinese green tea is very good....5 cups a day, hot or cold before, after or inbetween meals help keep the doctor away....

My wife and I past 23 years been to MsDonalds tiga kali. Once to try, twice meet kawans for coffee....and its 5 minutes walk across the road from us.
And my wife da lepas batu enam puluh, still looks 45, and has kept her trim figure all these years....eats vegetables like a rabbit, tau fu and green tea often....

Good posting....lets make doctors an extinct species, ha ha.
Selamat berpuasa, and keep a song in your heart, Lee.

Mamaboyz said...

Dear Uncle Lee,

is that the usual amount of green tea that chinese usually consume? I must step it up then, I just drink one cup a day!

McD is very unresistable-lah...sigh..

uncle Lee, i really enjoyed your latest post about merdeka, i love memoirs..and yours is priceless..our history books did not describe the tense and fear present at that time..checkpoints after checkpoints, ration cards, tins on fences..thanks for writing that...

and good to know that kids can still have fun at that time :)

but this is the first time i heard of flying fox curry.. and firecrackers reduce cow's milk production hahahaha

knv said...

selamat hari raya doc. minta maaf atas segala keterlanjuran semasa berblogging. :D

Al-Manar said...


I had about a dozen coconut palms planted around my house within the last fifteen years. Today I can pick some from the short variety with my hands or a ladder. There is hardly one day the two of us go without young coconut water. Our cucus love it too with the tender coconut inside. When I comments about this marvellous gift of God, I wonder .....


Mamaboyz said...

Pakcik, i'm sure it does contribute to your good health, i'm not sure why it is a 'pantang' by our bidan.. wallahualam...take care!