Last week my husband joined a reading session in Adam's class (invited by his teacher). Parents who came sat at the back of classroom while the teacher read the kids a story. This session was held to encourage parents to continue this activity at home. (cuma Papa Adam je yg lelaki, lain semua mak-mak, hahaha)
Then at the end of the session, each kid whose parent was present was given a treasure chest! This is from the Bookstart Program, a program to help kids start their own library/book collections at home.
This is the treasure chest..

Contents of the chest includes 2 new story books, 2 colouring books, a set of pencil colours, a guide book for parents, a book voucher and a set of stickers (walaupun free, ni bukan cikai punya barang ok).

See how dedicated the government is to encourage reading from a young age. This is a program in a public school, not an expensive private nursery. I wonder what programs are there to encourage reading in our Tadika KEMAS and how much support they get.
Here is a poem to share (got this from the treasure chest):
Opening the covers of a book
Is like lifting the lid of a treasure chest.
Look inside and you will find
Golden stories and glittering characters.
Some are given a map to show where X marks the spot.
Some are given the precious key to open the lock.
Some are helped to lift the heavy lid.
But for some it will remain hidden treasure.
Gervase Phinn
Then at the end of the session, each kid whose parent was present was given a treasure chest! This is from the Bookstart Program, a program to help kids start their own library/book collections at home.
This is the treasure chest..
Contents of the chest includes 2 new story books, 2 colouring books, a set of pencil colours, a guide book for parents, a book voucher and a set of stickers (walaupun free, ni bukan cikai punya barang ok).
See how dedicated the government is to encourage reading from a young age. This is a program in a public school, not an expensive private nursery. I wonder what programs are there to encourage reading in our Tadika KEMAS and how much support they get.
Here is a poem to share (got this from the treasure chest):
Opening the covers of a book
Is like lifting the lid of a treasure chest.
Look inside and you will find
Golden stories and glittering characters.
Some are given a map to show where X marks the spot.
Some are given the precious key to open the lock.
Some are helped to lift the heavy lid.
But for some it will remain hidden treasure.
Gervase Phinn
maybe aisyah akan ke tadika kemas masa 2 bulan mama n papa takde.
nanti kita bgitau cemana program dia.
ooo adammm...bestnya dpt treasure chest.
Betul tu dr wati... seronok sgt tengok bahan bacaan budak-budak kat sini...;) By the way, berapa umur your boys tu?
Antara benda yg banyak saya kumpul ialah toys & buku budak2...hehehe.. utk bawak balik msia.
eh mummy tak hantar taska telekom?
adam is 4 and ammar is 1 year, ni mesti banyak kumpul benda lain jugak, kumpul apa lagi yer? hehehe
wah bestnya dapat treasure chest.. an idea utk diimport ke sini heh :)
eh your third one dalam perut ni dah tau ke boy or girl? kalau boy, byklah similarity between you and ummuahmads because dia ada 3 boys hehe :)
haa ni scan 2x memang boy, tgkler nanti dia patut ada 's' kat ahmad tu..yeaa..boyz' mummy rules!! (kalau mmg boy saja je taknak bagi aku pencen)
wah..bestnya..dpt treasure chest yg cantik.
last time in 2006 2007, my kids dpt beg kain(je) with ape pun tetap Alhamdulillah..rezeki disyukuri. good attempt to start the kids to love books kan?
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