Wednesday 29 December 2010

AlFatihah to a young fighter

My mum just informed me that Dr Mas Afzal has returned to our Creator on the 18th Dec 2010. I'm deeply saddened by the news, I didn't know he was admitted with septicemia and lung infections on the 2nd Dec.

If you are wondering how special he was, according to his friends in Sheffield where he studied medicine, during his good health, that soft-spoken young man would brave the cold weather to walk up a steep road to pray Subuh in congregation every day. Only selected people can do that. And Subuh here in UK is not always at 6am everyday, it can be as early as 2 am. Indeed Allah loves him more.

Somehow he had the urge to write a last tribute to his mum. That was his last blogpost.

I'm not exactly sure why I have penned this thoughts down, but I just feel the strong urge to show my deepest appreciation to my mom. My guardian. The one person in life I know will never disappoint. The one person I know who will always provide me with that unconditional love, through the thick and thin. To everyone out there, love your mom and NEVER ever break their heart. Tell them, in your own way, that you love them and that you will never trade your mom with anything in this entire world. 
 Never failed to be touched by this farewell video to his friends.... 

I treasured a saying from his late grandmother,

When you feel poorest, give the most. When you feel the richest, give
even more. When you are at your happiest, pray and be thankful to Allah.
When you are at your angriest, you pray even more.



Wan Sharif said...

May he be placed amongst the Muqorrobin.. Amin.. AlFatehah

Fadhil said...

I was informed of this by blogger D of Pause to Reflect, but by way of her FB status. I had not known about Mas Afzal before but reading his blog created sort of a bond because I used to be a citizen of Sheffield once.

Mamaboyz said...

Ayoh Wang-aminn.

Mr oldstock- i thought you were in wrexham?

Fadhil said...

Doc, I was everywhere... at first London, then Wrexham and finally Sheffield.