Friday 23 October 2009

To Nick Griffin...

A note to Nick Griffin (British National Party leader)


I watched your debate on BBC's Question Time last night.

You said Islam is vicious and wicked. You said Islam second-rate women. You said this based on 'what's written in the Quran'.

So you have read the whole Holy Quran, haven't you?

But clearly you have missed that Islam has given the rights of divorce and inheritance to the women many hundred years before any western civilizations do.

And what do you call the culture of using women as sex symbols in everything that can be shown on tv? Doesn't that second-rate women? Putting women at its lowest?

Oh! I forgot. That's freedom of expression.


SMM said...

do ppl listen to BNP? i'm curious as to whether they have gain more followers or otherwise. they are so blatantly rascist, bukan berselindung lagi..

Mamaboyz said...

recently they won 2 European Parliment seats, so they received a lot of media coverage now..

on last night's forum the people were mostly angry (whites and non-whites), kalau dia ada supporters pun menyorok kot..

ada sorang tu cakap 'you would be surprised at how many people willing to give you a free ticket to south pole where it's all white and colorless' :)

anon suria said...

ha..ambik kau. hope dia terbaca entry nie..tq for sharing

Mamaboyz said...

su, mesti lah dia tak baca punya, ni cuma melepas geram + mempertahankan maruah secara kecil2an

anon suria said...

kalo dia tak baca pun...mungkin ada white yg tersinggah blog ni. at least...kena gak kat muka diorang. wanita kelas kedua sbb tu kadar kelahiran anak luar nikah uk paling tinggi kat europe. Mereka memalukan bangsa mereka sndri yang dulunya british terkenal sebagai bangsa yang mulia.(termasuklah classmate su yang terpaksa sorok perut sebab malu..tau pun malu!).Moga kita dilindungi Allah.